Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam finibus elit quis placerat placerat. Nunc posuere sagittis augue eu congue. Phasellus ante ipsum, consectetur vel mi non, aliquet sollicitudin nibh. Quisque interdum in massa ut mollis. Integer nec urna sit amet ipsum porta elementum vitae at nisi. Mauris tincidunt enim orci, ut elementum urna hendrerit eget. Aenean lectus lectus, dapibus id pulvinar nec, ullamcorper eu lorem. Quisque semper, velit id maximus varius, diam erat lacinia tortor, at laoreet nulla enim at mi. Cras urna orci, venenatis in orci eu, congue aliquam metus. Proin semper lacinia ligula sed gravida. Etiam rhoncus gravida arcu. Fusce quis dolor eget nunc ultrices ornare vitae in velit.
Hello, delegates! My name is Santiago Souto, I am 15 years old and attend the British Schools of Montevideo. I have attended 9 MUN conferences in the past and it is an honour to be serving as chair for the first time in my favourite committee, the Historical Security Council. In every conference in the past, I have enjoyed partaking as a delegate and I have always loved to debate. I have always taken a particular interest in History and Politics, and to be combining the two in this amazing committee is beyond what I had ever imagined.
This time around, I hope that by partaking as a chair I will be able to observe the debate from a different angle, and being the Deputy President of such an amazing committee is simply awesome by my standards.
I look forward to meeting you all in April!