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Carmen Gomensoro

Head of External Affairs

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Hello everyone! My name is Carmen Gomensoro, and I am a 17-year-old senior from The British Schools of Montevideo. I am much pleased to participate as Head of External Affairs in the VIII edition of LAMUN. 


I hopped aboard the MUN train in 2019, when I went to a local Uruguayan conference as the delegation of the United Kingdom in the Human Rights Council. I recall my nervousness (which still strikes me nowadays) when giving my Policy Statement and taking the floor once to give a speech, feeling like I did not have the slightest idea of what I was doing. My first ever performance earned me the "Most Likely to Work at McDonald's" title, a funny moment I will never forget!


These days, I have the honour of working as Co-President of The British Schools' MUN club since 2020, when rekindling the club during a global pandemic was one of our biggest challenges to overcome. It meant recruiting delegates, elaborating posters, and of course, a determined and diligent team. Since then, I have gained a more profound understanding of MUN. Engaging for a short time with the Press Team, assisting with management, participating as a delegate and chair, and doing what I discovered to be the role I enjoy the most, mentoring delegates for conferences, has enabled me to earn new skills, mature emotionally and mentally, and made me feel secure of the career I want to pursue. Attending club gatherings has become an activity I gleefully look forward to, especially meeting new faces eager to familiarise themselves with global matters. When I am not in MUN, you may find me doing homework, writing an article for the school newspaper, or relaxing and enjoying my free time. Spending time with friends and family, listening to music, singing (a lot), and playing instruments and videogames are among the activities I like.


Speaking as Head of External Affairs, assembling as Latin Americans for this event is an instance that I am sure will be fruitful for all. In my opinion, one of the exceptional qualities of Model United Nations is that society realises that members of the youth community are interested in discussing topics that hold great social, political, economical, and environmental importance. It is the place to bolster, if not spark, the confidence to speak up and reinforce the vital force we are. That is why I want to express my sincere admiration for every young person that decided to climb aboard the same journey I climbed onto two years ago, feeling the fear of being new but the adrenaline for what was to come.


Thankfully, MUN participants from national schools will accompany us in person this year, and I yearn for the possibility that in the near future, international participants can personally come to our school too. Meanwhile, let's appreciate that we are able to do what we are passionate about through the wonder that is technology!


We hope the efforts of all of us involved in the organisation of LAMUN 2022 are enough to make it as enjoyable as possible, and I thank our school for letting us host it. I wish everyone the greatest of luck and that you find pleasure in taking part in this three-day conference! See you!


Latin America Model United Nations a THIMUN affiliated Conference. 

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The British Schools Montevideo 

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